
Client satisfaction is at the heart of what we do.

Fully understanding our client’s needs allows us to make better strategic investment and product choices to match expectations on both the risk and profit side.

Under the supervision of the Investment Committee, our strategists determine the approach of the investment process and follow all required clerical work.

Asset allocation is based on a rigorous agnostic process taking in account all current macroeconomic factors and various indicators for valuing asset classes,
measuring the premium for the risk incurred, and understanding the general market confidence level.

We favor a long-term view accompanied by a strict risk management policy.

In order to optimize the capital protection we continuously revise and adjust our asset allocation depending on different endogenous or exogenous events influencing the global markets

We are proud to be an independent asset manager.
We are not affiliated with any bank or third party company.


Asset Management

Autonomous portfolio management following the client’s risk profile and objectives. We invest in global markets by rotating our asset allocation to meet the client’s risk profile and macroeconomic indicators.
We manage portoflios in different currencies: CHF, EUR and USD.

Asset Management

Portfolio management following the client’s risk profile and objectives. All proposed operations, following our strict due diligence, are pre-approved by the client. We invest in global markets by rotating our asset allocation to meet the client’s risk profile and macroeconomic indicators. We manage portoflios in different currencies: CHF, EUR and USD.

Asset Management

We provide asset-allocation and asset management services also to Family Offices, Institutional Clients and Corporate Treasuries which require either a specific expertise, risk minimization, liquidity management or simply investment advisory.

Cost Controlling & Supervision

We offer services of cost controlling and cost optimization of any third party and single asset class.

Asset Consolidation & Aggregate Reports

With the help of our sophisticated IT tools, we consolidate and create aggregate reports of bankable (multi-bank relationships) and non-bankable assets, giving the client an up to date drill down of their total asset exposure and net worth, risk management control, and risk asset concentration advisory.

Private Equity &
Club Deals

Amgest SA has dedicated team with long-term consolidated experience in Private Markets. We handle the entire process from the origination of the deal to the exit.
Thanks to our broad network we have access to some of the best opportunities available on the market which we harness by creating Club Deals through dedicated SPVs.

“The most important key to succesful investing can be summed up in just two words: asset-allocation.”

(Michael LeBoeuf)

Investment Process

1. Investment Committee

Monthly with weekly follow-ups.

2. Asset Allocation

Generation of current Tactic and Strategic
Asset Allocation.

3. Securities Sourcing

Constant global screening of securities.

4. Unbiased &
Best of Class

Our picks are unbiased and include only what we believe are the best securities on the market. Additionally, we chose cost-effective classes such as Institutional Investment Class.

5. Model &
Custom Portfolios

The Asset Allocation is applied to our multi-currency three-risk tier Model & Custom portfolios.

6. Risk Management

Review to identify if there are any breaches, if risk-reward is met, efficiency curve, and various portfolio metrics.